Nurse Clinics

Our nurse clinics keep your pet healthy in between visits to the vet

Weight clinics

Help your pet lose weight with our nurse led weight loss program. Every pet will receive a bespoke plan to help them shed those pounds. The nurse can support you and your pet with nutrition and exercise plans.

Dental clinics

With 8 out of 10 UK dogs and cats suffering from dental disease, our nurses run free dental clinics. We can recommend treatments and demonstrate how to brush your pets’ teeth. If brushing isn’t an option then the nurse can help you find the right option for you and your pet.

Rabbit/Guinea Pig clinics

Perfect for first time owners! Our experienced nurses can help you with day-to-day husbandry, feeding, vaccination and neutering advice. These are free to all our clients.


  • Nail clipping
  • Routine anal gland expression
  • Post-operative checks
  • Puppy/kitten 2nd vaccination and growth checks
  • Nutrition advice
  • Bandage care
  • Minor grooming and de-matting
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